Source code for boltons.ecoutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""As a programming ecosystem grows, so do the chances of runtime

Python boasts one of the widest deployments for a high-level
programming environment, making it a viable target for all manner of
application. But with breadth comes variance, so it's important to
know what you're working with.

Some basic variations that are common among development machines:

* **Executable runtime**: CPython, PyPy, Jython, etc., plus build date and compiler
* **Language version**: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7... 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
* **Host operating system**: Windows, OS X, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, etc.
* **Features**: 64-bit, IPv6, Unicode character support (UCS-2/UCS-4)
* **Built-in library support**: OpenSSL, threading, SQLite, zlib
* **User environment**: umask, ulimit, working directory path
* **Machine info**: CPU count, hostname, filesystem encoding

See the full example profile below for more.

ecoutils was created to quantify that variability. ecoutils quickly
produces an information-dense description of critical runtime factors,
with minimal side effects. In short, ecoutils is like browser and user
agent analytics, but for Python environments.

Transmission and collection

The data is all JSON serializable, and is suitable for sending to a
central analytics server. An HTTP-backed service for this can be found

Notable omissions

Due to space constraints (and possibly latency constraints), the
following information is deemed not dense enough, and thus omitted:

* :data:`sys.path`
* full :mod:`sysconfig`
* environment variables (:data:`os.environ`)


So far ecoutils has has been tested on Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.4,
3.5, and PyPy. Various versions have been tested on Ubuntu, Debian,
RHEL, OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows 7.

.. note:: Boltons typically only support back to Python 2.6, but due
    to its nature, ecoutils extends backwards compatibility to Python
    2.4 and 2.5.

Profile generation

Profiles are generated by :func:`ecoutils.get_profile`.

When run as a module, ecoutils will call :func:`~ecoutils.get_profile`
and print a profile in JSON format::

    $ python -m boltons.ecoutils
      "_eco_version": "1.0.0",
      "cpu_count": 4,
      "cwd": "/home/mahmoud/projects/boltons",
      "fs_encoding": "UTF-8",
      "guid": "6b139e7bbf5ad4ed8d4063bf6235b4d2",
      "hostfqdn": "mahmoud-host",
      "hostname": "mahmoud-host",
      "linux_dist_name": "Ubuntu",
      "linux_dist_version": "14.04",
      "python": {
        "argv": "boltons/",
        "bin": "/usr/bin/python",
        "build_date": "Jun 22 2015 17:58:13",
        "compiler": "GCC 4.8.2",
        "features": {
          "64bit": true,
          "expat": "expat_2.1.0",
          "ipv6": true,
          "openssl": "OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014",
          "readline": true,
          "sqlite": "3.8.2",
          "threading": true,
          "tkinter": "8.6",
          "unicode_wide": true,
          "zlib": "1.2.8"
        "version": "2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) [GCC 4.8.2]",
        "version_info": [
      "time_utc": "2016-05-24 07:59:40.473140",
      "time_utc_offset": -8.0,
      "ulimit_hard": 4096,
      "ulimit_soft": 1024,
      "umask": "002",
      "uname": {
        "machine": "x86_64",
        "node": "mahmoud-host",
        "processor": "x86_64",
        "release": "3.13.0-85-generic",
        "system": "Linux",
        "version": "#129-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 17 20:50:15 UTC 2016"
      "username": "mahmoud"

``pip install boltons`` and try it yourself!


import re
import os
import sys
import time
import pprint
import random
import socket
import struct
import getpass
import datetime
import platform

ECO_VERSION = '1.0.1'  # see version history below

PY_GT_2 = sys.version_info[0] > 2

    getrandbits = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits
except Exception:
    HAVE_URANDOM = False
    getrandbits = random.getrandbits

# 128-bit GUID just like a UUID, but backwards compatible to 2.4
INSTANCE_ID = hex(getrandbits(128))[2:-1].lower()

IS_64BIT = struct.calcsize("P") > 4
HAVE_UCS4 = getattr(sys, 'maxunicode', 0) > 65536

    import readline
except Exception:

    import sqlite3
    SQLITE_VERSION = sqlite3.sqlite_version
except Exception:
    # note: 2.5 and older have sqlite, but not sqlite3


    import ssl
    except AttributeError:
        # This is a conservative estimate for Python <2.6
        # SSL module added in 2006, when 0.9.7 was standard
        OPENSSL_VERSION = 'OpenSSL >0.8.0'
except Exception:

    if PY_GT_2:
        import tkinter
        import Tkinter as tkinter
    TKINTER_VERSION = str(tkinter.TkVersion)
except Exception:

    import zlib
except Exception:

    from xml.parsers import expat
except Exception:

    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
except Exception:
    CPU_COUNT = 0

    import threading
except Exception:

    HAVE_IPV6 = socket.has_ipv6
except Exception:
    HAVE_IPV6 = False

    from resource import getrlimit, RLIMIT_NOFILE
except Exception:

START_TIME_INFO = {'time_utc': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
                   'time_utc_offset': -time.timezone / 3600.0}

def get_python_info():
    ret = {}
    ret['argv'] = _escape_shell_args(sys.argv)
    ret['bin'] = sys.executable

    # Even though compiler/build_date are already here, they're
    # actually parsed from the version string. So, in the rare case of
    # the unparsable version string, we're still transmitting it.
    ret['version'] = ' '.join(sys.version.split())

    ret['compiler'] = platform.python_compiler()
    ret['build_date'] = platform.python_build()[1]
    ret['version_info'] = list(sys.version_info)

    ret['features'] = {'openssl': OPENSSL_VERSION,
                       'expat': EXPAT_VERSION,
                       'sqlite': SQLITE_VERSION,
                       'tkinter': TKINTER_VERSION,
                       'zlib': ZLIB_VERSION,
                       'unicode_wide': HAVE_UCS4,
                       'readline': HAVE_READLINE,
                       '64bit': IS_64BIT,
                       'ipv6': HAVE_IPV6,
                       'threading': HAVE_THREADING,
                       'urandom': HAVE_URANDOM}

    return ret

[docs]def get_profile(**kwargs): """The main entrypoint to ecoutils. Calling this will return a JSON-serializable dictionary of information about the current process. It is very unlikely that the information returned will change during the lifetime of the process, and in most cases the majority of the information stays the same between runs as well. :func:`get_profile` takes one optional keyword argument, *scrub*, a :class:`bool` that, if True, blanks out identifiable information. This includes current working directory, hostname, Python executable path, command-line arguments, and username. Values are replaced with '-', but for compatibility keys remain in place. """ scrub = kwargs.pop('scrub', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('unexpected keyword arguments: %r' % (kwargs.keys(),)) ret = {} try: ret['username'] = getpass.getuser() except Exception: ret['username'] = '' ret['guid'] = str(INSTANCE_ID) ret['hostname'] = socket.gethostname() ret['hostfqdn'] = socket.getfqdn() uname = platform.uname() ret['uname'] = {'system': uname[0], 'node': uname[1], 'release': uname[2], # linux: distro name 'version': uname[3], # linux: kernel version 'machine': uname[4], 'processor': uname[5]} try: linux_dist = platform.linux_distribution() except Exception: linux_dist = ('', '', '') ret['linux_dist_name'] = linux_dist[0] ret['linux_dist_version'] = linux_dist[1] ret['cpu_count'] = CPU_COUNT ret['fs_encoding'] = sys.getfilesystemencoding() ret['ulimit_soft'] = RLIMIT_FDS_SOFT ret['ulimit_hard'] = RLIMIT_FDS_HARD ret['cwd'] = os.getcwd() ret['umask'] = oct(os.umask(os.umask(2))).rjust(3, '0') ret['python'] = get_python_info() ret.update(START_TIME_INFO) ret['_eco_version'] = ECO_VERSION if scrub: # mask identifiable information ret['cwd'] = '-' ret['hostname'] = '-' ret['hostfqdn'] = '-' ret['python']['bin'] = '-' ret['python']['argv'] = '-' ret['uname']['node'] = '-' ret['username'] = '-' return ret
_real_safe_repr = pprint._safe_repr def _fake_json_dumps(val, indent=2): # never do this. this is a hack for Python 2.4. Python 2.5 added # the json module for a reason. def _fake_safe_repr(*a, **kw): res, is_read, is_rec = _real_safe_repr(*a, **kw) if res == 'None': res = 'null' if res == 'True': res = 'true' if res == 'False': res = 'false' if not (res.startswith("'") or res.startswith("u'")): res = res else: if res.startswith('u'): res = res[1:] contents = res[1:-1] contents = contents.replace('"', '').replace(r'\"', '') res = '"' + contents + '"' return res, is_read, is_rec pprint._safe_repr = _fake_safe_repr try: ret = pprint.pformat(val, indent=indent) finally: pprint._safe_repr = _real_safe_repr return ret def get_profile_json(indent=False): if indent: indent = 2 else: indent = 0 try: import json def dumps(val, indent): if indent: return json.dumps(val, sort_keys=True, indent=indent) return json.dumps(val, sort_keys=True) except ImportError: def dumps(val, indent): ret = _fake_json_dumps(val, indent=indent) if not indent: ret = re.sub('\n\s*', ' ', ret) return ret data_dict = get_profile() return dumps(data_dict, indent) def main(): print(get_profile_json(indent=True)) ############################################# # The shell escaping copied in from strutils ############################################# def _escape_shell_args(args, sep=' ', style=None): if not style: if sys.platform == 'win32': style = 'cmd' else: style = 'sh' if style == 'sh': return _args2sh(args, sep=sep) elif style == 'cmd': return _args2cmd(args, sep=sep) raise ValueError("style expected one of 'cmd' or 'sh', not %r" % style) _find_sh_unsafe = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_@%+=:,./-]').search def _args2sh(args, sep=' '): # see strutils ret_list = [] for arg in args: if not arg: ret_list.append("''") continue if _find_sh_unsafe(arg) is None: ret_list.append(arg) continue # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' ret_list.append("'" + arg.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'") return ' '.join(ret_list) def _args2cmd(args, sep=' '): # see strutils result = [] needquote = False for arg in args: bs_buf = [] # Add a space to separate this argument from the others if result: result.append(' ') needquote = (" " in arg) or ("\t" in arg) or not arg if needquote: result.append('"') for c in arg: if c == '\\': # Don't know if we need to double yet. bs_buf.append(c) elif c == '"': # Double backslashes. result.append('\\' * len(bs_buf)*2) bs_buf = [] result.append('\\"') else: # Normal char if bs_buf: result.extend(bs_buf) bs_buf = [] result.append(c) # Add remaining backslashes, if any. if bs_buf: result.extend(bs_buf) if needquote: result.extend(bs_buf) result.append('"') return ''.join(result) ############################ # End shell escaping code ############################ if __name__ == '__main__': main() """ ecoutils protocol version history --------------------------------- The version is ECO_VERSION module-level constant, and _eco_version key in the dictionary returned from ecoutils.get_profile(). 1.0.1 - (boltons version 16.3.2+) Remove uuid dependency and add HAVE_URANDOM 1.0.0 - (boltons version 16.3.0-16.3.1) Initial release """